The Dangers of My Overthinking

Have you ever felt stuck in the middle of problems? and you didn't have any power to deal with? Finally you start thinking overly.

I used to feel it 😭😭😭
I experienced a situation in which i was too afraid to face the problem. Instead of making a solution, I got stuck in negative thinking in my mind. Yes, it was overthinking. It disturbed my life a lot. 

Well, it’s actually important to get to know what overthinking is, so that we can have self awareness toward ourselves. Isn’t it?

Overthinking is simply what its name suggests 👉 thinking too much. We spend too much time thinking about something. We might try to convince ourselves that thinking longer and harder help us make decisions. But, research shows thinking too much makes it hard to make decisions.

Overthinking usually falls into two categories: rumination about the past and worrying about the future. According to the psychologist, if the rumination and worrying continue, they can lead to catastrophizing. It denotes that someone will think overly and irrationally. He feels he can’t get away out. He stuck with the problem, and he don’t know how to solve it*. So, both are toxic cuz they just make you worse mentally. Instead of trying your best, you will feel so down and  like you failed at the beginning

When I was a student of university. I had problems in finishing my thesis. I didn’t get the data that I needed. I didn’t have any ideas. But I was too afraid to tell my lecturer. 

You know why: i was having a lot of negative thoughts in my head. For example, "If i tell my lecturer, what if she is angry at me? or she may say anything negative about me, such as "you're stupid, lazy and bla bla." So i got stuck on the problem. I was really stess out and so hopeless. Instead of making solution, i just focus on healing my stress.

As a result, i started engaging in pointless activities like watching movies, laying down, and sleeping all the day. I continued doing that till i noticed how much worse i was getting every day.

You know, why did i get many distractions while i tried to work on my thesis? cause i was exhaustedI spent my whole energy thinking about the problems. when I run out of energy, I run out of focus instead. Finally, I become unproductive, like I used to be. Even worse, I find it difficult to focus on other things i need to do.. I would have to say,

Overthinking decreased my quality of lifecause it can decrease energy, limit creativity and may cause sleep problem

Well… long story short, i started to communicate with my lecturer. And yeah, masyaAllah. It was not as horrible as I thought. The problem was over. What a dumb I’m!!! If I did it earlier, i might could solve the problem easily and would never felt stressful. Subhanallah my over thinking definetely has made me worse. 

So the thing is here, taking action is more important than thinking so much about the problems. If we have a problem, just move and go forward. Face it. Don’t make perceptions about anything.  You know, our thoughts influence our emotions and how we take an action. So Stop thinking overly. Just solve it…. Okaay. I know  you guys can do it…

The last... when i faced a big problem and felt so hopeless, my ustadzah suggested me to read this dua many times in every prayer. Then i did it. MashaAllah.. beyond my expectation, Allah showed me the way to solve my problems and he made everything easy for me.

so, wahetever the hardship you're going through. Read this beautiful dua :)

اللَّÙ‡ُÙ…َّ Ù„َا سَÙ‡ْÙ„ً الَّا Ù…َا جَعَÙ„ْتَÙ‡ُ سَÙ‡ْÙ„ًا Ùˆَ اَÙ†ْتَ تَجْعَÙ„ُ الْØ­َزْÙ†َ إذَا Ø´ِئْتَ سَÙ‡ْلاً

"O Allah, there is no ease other than what You make easy. If You please You ease sorrow"


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